Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Getting to my ideal running weight

You've probably read about how losing a few pounds and getting to your ideal running weight can make you faster and make running easier, and added to that are the obvious vain benefits of looking and feeling better about one's self.  Reading such articles led me to read 'Racing Weight' by Matt Fitzgerald early in the year, a great inspiration to why it is good to lean down.  Following my enthused reading I spent about 3 weeks following his guidance, measuring my calories in and out, monitoring everything I ate, and I did lose weight but as soon as I slipped out of the programme I put it all straight back on again.  By the time this September came round and I'd completed my first ironman 70.3 and spent a month on honeymoon I was up to the heaviest I'd been in a long time 64 kilograms.  This is still actually well within a healthy weight for my height but I wanted to do something about it.
My previous weight

I was very lucky on our return from our honeymoon, while Gary went back to work, and a promotion, I've had some time at home seeking my next contract/job.  A great opportunity to train and get healthy.  We decided to try Carol Vorderman's detox diet.  There is nothing ultra marathon running related about the development of this detox but it does fit really well to the recommendations of ultra runners like Dean Karnazes keeping down the hydrogenated fats buying organic and eating lots of whole grain.

The detox is for a 28 day period which is all about changing one's eating habits which after the 28 days you try to stay with.  While you're detoxing you can't consume caffeine, alcohol, wheat, meat, or dairy.  Believe me when Mr G and I first realised this we thought we would starve.  What on earth were we going to eat.  The recipes in Carol's book are though great and with me being at home I was able to prepare dinner, buy fresh fruit and veg and make sure Mr G always had something to take to work for lunch.

The first week of the detox was the toughest.  I had a headache for about 3 days, which I presume was from caffeine withdrawals.  A scary thought as I never realised I drank so much tea and coffee.  I never though felt hungry and always made sure I had plenty of fruit and healthy snacks available just in case.  My training didn't seem to be effected, I made sure I ate a few hours before training.  I did though feel a little empty on the first couple of long runs we did but having stuck with it this no longer seems to be the case.

My new running weight
The great news is I've managed to lose 5 kilos (7 Ibs or about half a stone).  I feel great for it and confident even with Christmas ahead that I can keep it off and hopefully lose a few more.   I am feeling fitter but I'm not sure whether that is the training or weight loss, a good telling point will be the Anglesey marathon in January, if I beat my 5.25 trail marathon PB.

Interestingly though Mr G hasn't lost any weight, he didn't actually need too and only wanted to do the detox to be healthy.  I find this great that actually by eating the right foods you will find your perfect weight.

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